
% A flat, square, specular sail in the Y/Z plane.
  The sail front is along +X in the body frame. Nominal size is 50000 m2.
  The vertices and faces for a simple square are defined by hand.
  There are no other components.

   Since version 7.
  See also BuildCADModel, CreateBody, CreateComponent, DrawSCPlanPlugIn, 
  Inertias, FindDirectory, SaveStructure, AddAxes
  Copyright (c) 2005,2006 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc. 
  All rights reserved.
   This file is referenced for listings in the User's Guide.


AeroUtils: CAD/BuildCADModel
AeroUtils: CAD/CreateBody
AeroUtils: CAD/CreateComponent
AeroUtils: CAD/DrawSCPlanPlugIn
Common: FileUtils/FindDirectory
Common: General/SaveStructure
Common: Graphics/AddAxes
Common: MassProperties/Inertias