
   Combined thermal and optical solar pressure force model.
   Returns both the solar force and membrane temperature on each element.
   The optical coefficients may be arrays or constant over all elements.
   Has a built-in demo.

   Since version 7.
   [f, T, fT] = SolarPressureForce( area, nB, uSun, flux, optical, emissivity )

   area       (1,n)    Vector of areas
   nB         (3,n)    Element normals in the body frame
   uSun       (3,1)    Unit vector to sun in body frame
   flux       (1,1)    Incoming flux, W
   optical     (:)     Optical coefficient structure
                        .sigmaS (n,2) or (1,2)
                        .sigmaD (n,2) or (1,2)
                        .sigmaA (n,2) or (1,2)
   emissivity (n,2)    Front and back thermal emissivity, can be [1,2]

   f    (3,n)    Element forces (N)
   T    (1,n)    Element temperatures (k)
   fT   (3,1)    Total force on component (N)



Common: Database/Constant
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/XLabelS
Common: Graphics/YLabelS
Math: Linear/Unit
SC: Environs/SolarFlx