
   Create a striped sail quadrant, with billow, in the x, y plane.
   This function has a built-in demo which draws a quadrant colored by
   vertical displacement. The billow is assumed quadratic, with a billow
   fraction used to define the billow as a percent of the stripe width.

   If a quadrant edge is 10 m, and there are 4 stripes, each will be about
   1.76 m wide. The billow fraction operates on this dimension. If nSub
   is not entered a value between 2 and 6 will be selected based on the
   amount of billow. The minimum number of stripe subdivisions is two.

   Since version 7.
   [v, f] = StripedQuadrant( l, nStripes, billow, nSub )

   l          (1,1) Length of quadrant edge along x/y axes (not hypotenuse)
   nStripes   (1,1) Number of stripes
   billow     (1,1) Billow fraction, between 0 and 1
   nSub       (1,1) Subdivisions (rows of faces) per stripe, optional

   v          (:,3) Vertices
   f          (:,3) Faces



Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/XLabelS
Common: Graphics/YLabelS
Common: Graphics/ZLabelS
Math: Linear/Mag
Math: Linear/Unit