Cost function of Zermelo's differential equations.
Models a constant velocity field. This integrates the equations over
the time interval 0 to d.tEnd and finds the minimum distance. The cost
is just the magnitude of this minimum distance.
Returns a datastructure if no arguments are passed.
Since version 7.
[errMag, err, x, t] = ZermeloCost( lambda, d )
lambda (2,1) Costates [x;y]
d (1,1) Data structure
.rhsFun (1,:) RHS Function
.h (1,1) Characteristic dimension
.v (1,1) Velocity
.x0 (2,1) Initial position
.xF (2,1) Desired final position
.tEnd (1,1) Final time from the optimizer
.data (1,1) Integration tolerances
.relTol (1,1) ode113 relative tol
.absTol (1,1) ode113 absolute tol
.maxStep (1,1) ode113 max step size
errMag (1,:) Magnitude of the error
err (4,1) [costates;transversality condition]
x (4,:) [x;y;;u;v]
t (1,:) Time
Reference: Bryson, Ho, "Applied Optimal Control", Hemisphere Publishing.
Math: Linear/DupVect
Math: Linear/Mag