Path: SpacecraftEstimation/StellarCatalog
% Models a pinhole camera. Projects the catalog into the camera frame. The star unit vectors must be in the frame of the camera. If there are no outputs a figure is generated displaying the stars in the camera field of view with labels; a table of stars is also printed to the command line. Type DisplayStars for a demo with random unit vectors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Form: [d, camera] = DisplayStars( camera, u, show ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ Inputs ------ camera (.) Camera data structure .f (1,1) Focal length in .wX (1,1) Width of sensing element in X .wY (1,1) Width of sensing element in Y uStar (3,:) The star unit vectors show (1,1) Any input shows the stars ------- Outputs ------- d (.) Output data structure .star (1,:) .position (2,:) [xP;yP] .pixel (2,:) [pixelX;pixelY] camera (.) Camera data structure .f (1,1) Focal length in .wX (1,1) Width of sensing element in X .wY (1,1) Width of sensing element in Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: Graphics/NewFig Math: Linear/Unit SC: Sensor/U2Pix
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