Path: SpacecraftEstimation/AttitudeEstimation

% Estimates gyro bias using a steady state Kalman Filter. 
   The steady state gain is computed automatically each time. In practice it  
   could be uploaded as a command if the time between measurements was 
   constant. The measurement is the time between updates of an inertial sensor.

   Since version 1.
   [x, k] = RMABEst( tMeas, newMeas, RMARate, x, r, q, dT )

   tMeas         (1,1)    The measured period (sec)
   newMeas       (1,1)    When == 1 incorporate a new measurement
   RMARate       (1,1)    Rate as measured by the RMAs
   x             (1,1)    Bias estimate state
   r             (1,1)    Measurement noise covariance
   q             (1,1)    State noise covariance
   dT            (1,1)    Time since last measurement

   x             (1,1)    Bias estimate
   k             (1,1)    Gain


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