Path: SpacecraftEstimation/StellarCatalog
% Generates a random star catalog in star matrix format. If mVM or sVM are not input it will generate visual magnitudes using statistics derived from the FK5 catalog. Visual magntiude is rounded to 2 decimal places. Since version 3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Form: [starMatrix, catalog] = RandSC( n, d, mVM, sVM ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ Inputs ------ n (1,1) Number of stars d (1,1) Digits accuracy mVM (1,1) Mean visual magnitude sVM (1,1) Standard deviation visual magnitude ------- Outputs ------- starMatrix (4,:) Catalog [VisualMagnitude;UnitVector] catalog (.) Catalog data structure .vM (1,:) Visual magnitude (rad) .rA (1,:) Right Ascension (rad) .dec (1,:) Declination (rad) ------------------------------------------------------------------------
AerospaceUtils: Coord/U2RADec
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