
Path: SpacecraftEstimation/StellarCatalog

% Generates a star data structure
 It contains a list of nearby
 stars and their dot products. The fieldOfView input defines the
 radius for a small circle on a sphere. This routine eliminates 
 duplicate stars (i.e. it stores the dot from k to j but not 
 from j to k.)

 The starMatrix field is a matrix


 The nearMatrix field is a matrix of dot product pairs of stars
 within the fieldOfView of other stars. For example if the field
 of view is 10 deg it will compute the dot products for all stars
 within 20 deg of star k.

 The starCatalog field is a reduced version of the input star catalog
 with the stars that are too close to separate eliminated.

 The angular resolution and fieldOfView fields are the same as 
 the input variables.

 To admit all stars set angularResolution to 0.

   d = StarDataGeneration( starCatalog, fieldOfView, angularResolution )

   starCatalog       (1,1) Star catalog data structure
   fieldOfView       (1,1) Angle to admit dot products (rad) 
   angularResolution (1,1) Angular resolution between stars (rad)
   q                 (4,1) Quaternion

   d                 (1,1) Data structure
                           .starMatrix         (4,:) [Intensity;u]
                           .nearMatrix         (3,:) [dot;star;base star]
                           .starCatalog        (1,1) Reduced Star catalog
                           .angularResolution  (1,1) Angular resolution
                           .fieldOfView        (1,1) Field of view
                           .nearSlope          (1,1) Slope
                           .nearQ              (1,1) Quaternion



Common: General/DeleteCell
Common: Graphics/TimeGUI
Common: Transform/VM2Int
SpacecraftEstimation: StellarAttDet/CreateKVector
SpacecraftEstimation: StellarCatalog/LoadCatalog

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