
Path: SpacecraftEstimation/AttitudeEstimation

% Implements yaw/roll gyrocompassing attitude estimation.
   Computes the angle derivative and state transition matrix for
   roll-yaw gyromcompassing. This system works when you have
   rate information and roll and pitch angles. You can then
   estimate yaw. This works if roll and pitch rates are small.
   [xDot, phi] = YawRollGyroCompassing( x, omega, wo )

   x            (3,1)     Angle vector (rad)
   omega        (3,1)     Body rates in the body frame (rad/sec)
   dT           (1,1)     Time step
   wo           (1,1)     Frame rotation rate (rad/sec)

   xDot         (3,1)     Angle derivative (rad/sec)
   phi          (3,3)     State transition matrix


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