
   Loads a NREL GIS Shapefile for wind.
   If no inputs are given it will display a file open dialog box. If will
   only show .shp files and will automatically load all files of the same
   name and different suffixes. Shapefiles can have up to 8 components:

   filename.shp  Shapes
   filename.shx  Index for shapes (not used)
   filename.dbf  Attribute file (in dbase format)
   filename.sbn  Part I of spatial index of features
   filename.sbx  Part II of spatial index of features
   filename.ain  Part I of attribute index of active fields in a table
   filename.aix  Part II of attribute index of active fields in a table
   filename.avl  Legend for a shapefile

   The first 3 are always required. The last 4 are required if present.

   Enter LoadShapeFile('demo') for a demo

   w = LoadShapeFile( file )

   file     (1,:)  shp file name

   w         (1,1)  Data structure
                     .lon      {n} (1,:) Longitude of polygon vertices (deg)
                     .lat      {n} (1,:) Latitude of polygon vertices (deg)
                     .wind(n)            Wind values
                     .lonRange (1,2)     Longitude range [min max]  (deg)
                     .latRange (1,2)     Latitude range [min max]  (deg)
                     .name     (1,:)     File name



Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/XLabelS
Common: Graphics/YLabelS
Common: Graphics/ZLabelS