
   Static Stall Model

   This model simply returns the lift, drag and moment coefficients by
   looking up the airfoil data files. The static stall information is
   contained in the raw airfoil data

   [CL,CD,CM] = StaticStall(af,bld,Reb,thknss,alpha,alphadot,c,W)
   af             (1,1)      Airfoil data structure
                            .reCL    (1,:) Reynolds number
                            .alphaCL (1,:) Angle of attack (deg)
                            .cL      (:,:) Lift coefficient
                            .reCD    (1,:) Drag Reynolds number
                            .alphaCD (1,:) Angle of attack (deg)
                            .cD      (:,:) Drag coefficient
                            .reCM    (1,:) Reynolds number
                            .alphaCM (1,:) Angle of attack (deg)
                            .cM      (:,:) Moment coefficient
                            .alpha0  (1,1) Angle of atack for zero lift
  bld              (1,1)     Blade data structure [NOT USED]
                            .c       (1,1) Chord (m)
                            .H       (1,1) Blade half length (m)
                            .thknss  (1,1) Blade thickness (m)
  Reb              (1,1)     Blade Reynolds number
  alpha            (1,1)     Angle of attack (rad)
  alphadot         (1,1)     Angle of attack rate (rad/s) [NOT USED]
  W                (1,1)     Relative wind speed (m/s)

   CL            (1,1)       Blade lift coefficient
   CD            (1,1)       Blade drag coefficient
   CM            (1,1)       Blade moment coefficient
