
   Compute the power from a wind turbine.
   If tip speed ratio is input it will compute the torque
   and rotational speed.

   The power coefficient "cP" can be specified in one of several ways:
     * A fixed value of cP can be given explicitly.
     * The input cP can be a function name of the form:
        - fun( lambda )       -OR-
        - fun( lambda, beta )    
     * If cP is empty:
        - if lambda and beta are not provided, by default cP = 0.44
        - if only lambda is provided, cP is computed using the
           CPvsTipSpeedRatio function.
        - if both lambda and beta are provided, cP is computed using the
           CP2D function.

   Type WindTurbinePower for a demo.

   [p, torque, omega] = WindTurbinePower( a, cP, u, h, temp, lambda, beta )

   a          (1,1)  Disk area (m^2)
   cP         (1,1)  Power coefficient. Can be a function name.
   u          (1,:)  Wind velocity (m/s),   default: u = [0:20]
   h          (1,1)  Altitude (m),          default: h = 30
   temp       (1,1)  Temperature (deg-C)    default: temp = 0
   lambda     (1,1)  Tip speed ratio (r*omega/u)
   beta       (1,1)  Blade pitch

   power      (1,:)  Power (W)
   torque     (1,:)  Turbine shaft torque (Nm)
   omega      (1,:)  Rotational rate (rad/s)



Common: Graphics/Plot2D
WindTurbine: Utility/CP2D
WindTurbine: Utility/CPvsTipSpeedRatio