Warning: include(../../includes/header.inc): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/support-site/cst/API/CubeSatHeaders/PlaybackOrbitSimHeader.php on line 7

Warning: include(): Failed opening '../../includes/header.inc' for inclusion (include_path='.:/opt/bitnami/php/lib/php') in /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/support-site/cst/API/CubeSatHeaders/PlaybackOrbitSimHeader.php on line 7


Path: CubeSat/MissionPlanning

% Play back an orbit simulation of multiple objects with sensor cones.
 Utilizes AnimationGUI.

 Since version 8.
   PlaybackOrbitSim( time, object, planet, style )

   time          (1,N)    Time vector. For display only. Use any units.
   object         (:)     Data structure array of simulated objects in orbit
                          See PackageOrbitDataForPlayback.m. Fields are:
                             rEF: [3xN double] Earth fixed position (km)
                             vEF: [3xN double] Earth fixed velocity (km/s)
                             lat: [1xN double] Latitude (rad)
                             lon: [1xN double] Longitude (rad)
                               h: [1xN double] Altitude (km)
                         coneFOV: [1xN double] Cone field of view (rad)
                       conePitch: [1xN double] Cone pitch from nadir (rad)
                     coneAzimuth: [Nx1 double] Cone azimuth from north (rad)
                        coneAxis: [3xN double] Cone axis in Earth-fixed frame
                          swathX: [NxP double] Swath curve, Earth-fixed x-coord.
                          swathY: [NxP double] Swath curve, Earth-fixed y-coord.
                          swathZ: [NxP double] Swath curve, Earth-fixed z-coord.
                        swathLat: [NxP double] Swath curve, latitude
                        swathLon: [NxP double] Swath curve, longitude
   planet         (:)     Name of planet file to use (e.g. 'EarthHR')
   style          (:)     '2D' or '3D'   
                          NOTE: '2D' is not yet supported. To be supported
                          in a future release.


   See also:  PackageOrbitDataForPlayback.m



Common: General/ColorSpread
Common: General/LegendFig
Common: Time/Date2JD
CubeSat: MissionPlanning/PackageOrbitDataForPlayback
Math: Linear/DupVect
Plotting: GUI/AnimationGUI
SC: BasicOrbit/OrbRate
SC: BasicOrbit/Period
SC: BasicOrbit/RVFromKepler

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