Compute and simulate a repeat ground track orbit

The repeat ground track solver is a numerical routine and notice that it is not exact. The simulation includes the J2 perturbation. See also: RepeatGroundTrack, RHSGeoJ2, GroundTrack

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% Desired characteristics of repeat track
% 15 orbits per day at 66 degrees inclination
g      = struct;
g.P0   = 15;
g.Q0   = 1;  = 66*(pi/180);
g.ecc  = 0.01;
g.da   = 100;
g.PMax = 15;
g.QMax = 1;

% Call the function and create a plot
dGT = RepeatGroundTrack(g,1);

% Get the Cartesian coordinates and simulate
[r,v] = El2RV([dGT.a(1) 0 0 g.ecc 0]);

d     = struct;
d.j2  = 0.00108262563430956;
d.a   = 6378.137;  = 398600.436;
d.jD0 = 2455197.5;

opts = odeset('RelTol',1e-12,'abstol',1e-12);

tEnd = dGT.nodalPeriod(1);
dOut = ode45( @(t,x) RHSGeoJ2(x,t,d), [0 tEnd], [r;v], opts );

% Plot the simulated track

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