Demonstrate a 2 satellite CubeSat constellation.

This simulation includes drag, solar radiation pressure, sun and moon perturbations, and a thruster model. Uses ode113 and FOrbitMultiSpacecraft. The simulation takes a few minutes and there is no waitbar; be patient!

See also LabelLine, NewFig, Plot2D, TimeLabl, XLabelS, YLabelS, Skew,
Date2JD, CubeSatPropulsion, CubeSatAero, CubeSatRadiationPressure,
CubeSatFaces, FOrbitMultiSpacecraft, SolarFluxPrediction


%   Copyright (c) 2009 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.
% Since version 8.
% 2016.1: Update data structure format to match RHSCubeSat

d    = FOrbitMultiSpacecraft;

Simulation duration

days  = 0.5;
tEnd  = days*86400;

Common fields

d.jD0           = Date2JD([2012 4 5 0 0 0]);
d.planet        = 'earth';
d.thrusterModel = @CubeSatPropulsion;
d.aeroModel     = @CubeSatAero;
d.opticalModel  = @CubeSatRadiationPressure;

Initial state vector

m0   = 1;         % Initial mass, kg
switch d.planet
  case 'moon'
    x0 = 3500;
    mu = Constant( 'mu moon' );
  case 'earth'
    x0 = 6500;
    mu = Constant( 'mu earth' );

x1   = x0;          % Orbit radius
x2   = x0 + 0.010;  % Radius with an offset
vY1  = VOrbit(x1,x1,mu);
vY2  = VOrbit(x2,x2,mu);

% State is [position;velocity;mass]
% CubeSats are 1 kg
r1   = [x1;0;0];
r2   = [x2;0;0];
v1   = [0;vY1;0];
v2   = [0;vY2;0];
x    = [r1;v1;1;r2;v2;m0];

Atmosphere data

% if you want J70, uncomment this.
% [aP, f, fHat, fHat400] = SolarFluxPrediction( d.jD0, 'nominal' );
% atm = struct;
% atm.aP = aP(1);
% atm.f = f(1);
% atm.fHat = fHat(1);
% atm.fHat400 = fHat400(1);
d.atm = []; % atm;

Make a second copy for the second spacecraft

d(2) = d;

CubeSat face areas

[a,n,r] = CubeSatFaces( '1U', 1 );
cM      = [0;0;0];

Attitude model

att             = struct();
att.type        = 'lvlh';
att.qLVLHToBody = [1;0;0;0];

Propulsion system for two CubeSats

thrusterData = CubeSatPropulsion();
d(1).thrusterData = thrusterData;
d(1).thrusterData.gas                 = 'nitrogen';
d(1).thrusterData.thrustCoeff         = 0.05/690000;
d(1).thrusterData.Isp                 = 68; % s
d(1).thrusterData.temperature         = 300;
d(1).thrusterData.volumeTank          = (4/3)*pi*0.02^3;
d(1).thrusterData.rNozzle             = [0.05;0;0];
d(1).thrusterData.uNozzle             = [0;1;0];
d(1).thrusterData.qECIToBody          = [1;0;0;0];
d(1).thrusterData.massDry             = 0.99;
d(1).thrusterData.pulsewidthFraction  = 1.0;
d(1).thrusterData.cM                  = cM;
d(1).thrusterData.att.calc            = false;
d(2).thrusterData                     = d(1).thrusterData;
d(2).thrusterData.pulsewidthFraction  = 0;

Add surface models for both CubeSats

surfData = CubeSatAero();
surfData = CubeSatRadiationPressure(surfData);
surfData.nFace = n;
surfData.rFace = r;
surfData.area  = a;
surfData.cM    = cM;
surfData.att   = att;
surfData.rho   = [1 1 1 1 1 1;zeros(2,6)];
d(1).surfData  = surfData;
d(2).surfData  = surfData;

ode 113 parameters

opt   = odeset( 'AbsTol', 1e-7, 'RelTol', 1e-4, 'outputfcn', @ODETimeDisplay );

Numerically integrate the orbit

disp('Simulating with ode113. This will take a few minutes.');
[t,x] = ode113( @FOrbitMultiSpacecraft, [0 tEnd], x, opt, d );
Simulating with ode113. This will take a few minutes.
Elapsed time is 156.520460 seconds.

Flip the matrices for plotting

delT = diff(t);
[t,tL] = TimeLabl( t');
x     = x';

Plot the xy-plane

dX    = x([1;2],:) - x([8:9],:);

NewFig('Simulation Timestep')
YLabelS('Timestep (sec)')
grid on

Plot2D( dX(1,:)*1000, dX(2,:)*1000, '\Delta x (m)', '\Delta y (m)', 'Two spacecraft XY-Plane' );
LabelLine( dX*1000, t, 10, ['- %4.1f ' tL(7:end-1)]  )

Plot2D(t,x(7,:),tL,'Mass (kg)','Fuel Consumption')

% PSS internal file version information