Demonstrate a 2 satellite CubeSat constellation

Uses ode113 and FOrbitMultiSpacecraft. This simulation just has the central force model. All other models (drag, radiation pressure, thrusters) are off by being empty.

See also LabelLine, NewFig, Plot2D, TimeLabl, XLabelS, YLabelS,
Date2JD, FOrbitMultiSpacecraft, TwoSpacecraftOrbitSimulation


%   Copyright (c) 2009 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
%   All rights reserved.
%   Since version 8.

d = FOrbitMultiSpacecraft;

Time and date

days  = 0.5;
tEnd  = days*86400;
d.jD0 = Date2JD([2012 4 5 0 0 0]);

Initial state vector

x1   = 6500;
x2   = 6500.010;

vY1  = VOrbit(x1);
vY2  = VOrbit(x2);

% State is [position;velocity;mass]
% CubeSats are 1 kg
r1   = [x1;0;0];
r2   = [x2;0;0];
v1   = [0;vY1;0];
v2   = [0;vY2;0];
m0   = 1;
x0   = [r1;v1;1;r2;v2;m0];

d(2) = d;

ode 113 parameters

opt   = odeset( 'AbsTol', 1e-7, 'RelTol', 1e-4 );

Numerically integrate the orbit

[t,x] = ode113( @FOrbitMultiSpacecraft, [0 tEnd], x0, opt, d );

Flip the matrices for plotting

delT   = diff(t);
[t,tL] = TimeLabl( t');
x     = x';

Plot the xy-plane

dX    = x([1;2],:) - x([8:9],:);

NewFig('Simulation Timestep')
YLabelS('Timestep (sec)')

Plot2D( dX(1,:)*1000, dX(2,:)*1000, '\Delta x (m)', '\Delta y (m)',...
  'Two spacecraft XY-Plane' );
LabelLine( dX*1000, t, 10, ['- %4.1f ' tL(7:end-1)] )

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