Create the data structure needed for launch simulations.
Prepopulate with data for an unguided 2D simulation for Earth.
Compatible with RHSLaunchVehicle2D, RHSLaunchVehicle3D,
GuidedLaunch2DRHS, and GuidedLaunch3DRHS.
Since version 2015.1
d = LaunchRHSData( dimension, rocket )
dimension (1,1) Either 2 or 3, for 2D or 3D simulation
rocket (.) If entered, make cDA the same size as m0 and store
the given rocket model.
d (1,1) Data structure
.rocket (.) Rocket data structure
.fThrust (:) Function handle for thrust model
.fControl (:) Function handle for guidance
.rhsFun (:) Function hangle for RHS
.mu (1,1) Gravitational constant
.Rp (1,1) Planet radius (km)
.planet (1,:) Planet name, if not Earth
.drag (.) Empty or 3D drag data structure
.cDA (1,:) Drag coefficient of each stage times area
.thrustOn (1) Thrust on/off flag
.aE (1,1) Exit area
.coast (1,:) Coast times (s)
3D only:
.thrustDir (3,1) Thrust direction
.omegaE (3,1) Earth rotation vector
LaunchVehicle: LaunchSim/RHSLaunchVehicle2D
LaunchVehicle: LaunchSim/RHSLaunchVehicle3D
LaunchVehicle: MultiStage/MSThrustModel