
   Load the properties for a rocket: mS, thrust, ISP, exhaust velocity.
   If the vehicle is not hard-coded in this database it will load the csv
   database and check there. The default database is LVDatabase.csv

   Since version 1.0
   d = RocketDatabase( name, file )     Get data for a case
   list = RocketDatabase                List all case names

   name           (:)     Name of the rocket
   file           (:)     Name of the file to load, optional

   d              (.)        Data structure with fields:
                   .name         (1)     Name of the Launch Vehicle
                   .mTotal       (1)     Total mass of fueled rocket    (kg)
                   .mS          (1,N)    Total mass of each stage       (kg)
                   .mSS         (1,N)    Structural mass of each stage  (kg)
                   .mSP         (1,N)    Propellant mass of each stage  (kg)
                   .eS          (1,N)    Structural Ratio of each stage
                   .pS          (1,N)    Payload Ratio of each stage
                   .uE          (1,N)    Exhaust velocity of each stage (km/s)
                   .ISP         (1,N)    Specific impulse of each stage (s)
                   .thrust      (1,N)    Thrust of each stage           (kN)
                   .tBurn       (1,N)    Burn time of each stage        (s)
                   .mDot        (1,N)    Rate of mass flow              (kg/s)
                   .type        (1,N)    Stage type - 'l' or 's'
                   .SRB          (1)     Boolean. 1 has SRB's, 0 Does not
                   .SRBmSS       (1)     Structural mass of all SRB's   (kg)
                   .SRBuE        (1)     Exhaust velocity of all SRB's  (km/s)
                   .SRBthrust    (1)     Net Thrust of all SRB's        (kN)
                   .SRBmSP       (1)     Propellent mass of all SRB's   (kg)

   mTot           (1)        Total mS of fueled rocket.

   See also OptimalPayloadRatio, MSVRatio
   References:   Weisel, "Spaceflight Dynamics", 2nd Edition.


Common: Database/Constant
Common: General/DeBlankAll
Common: General/ListCases
Common: Interface/ReadCSVTable
LaunchVehicle: LVDatabase/FormatRocketDB
LaunchVehicle: MultiStage/MSData