Find initial velocity and flight path angle that gives desired distance
Given initial and final altitudes, the desired time of flight, and the
desired angular distance to fly around the globe, this routine conducts
an iterative search for the initial flight path angle using the Lambert
Since version 1.0
[gamma,V,tF] = SubOrbLambert( tFDes, h0, hF, angleDist, tol, maxIter );
tFDes (1,1) Desired time of flight (sec)
h0 (1,1) Initial altitude (km)
hF (1,1) Final altitude (km)
angleDist (1,1) Angular distance of flight around Earth (rad)
tol (1,1) Tolerance for converging to tFDes
(optional, default is 1e-3 sec)
maxIter (1,1) Maximum number of iterations
(optional, default is 100)
gamma (1,1) Initial flight path angle (rad)
V (1,1) Initial velocity required (km/s)
tF (1,1) Flight Time (sec)
soln (1,1) Boolean to indicate whether solution was found.
k (1,1) Number of terations performed
See also SubOrbDistance, SubOrbVelocity
References: Zarchan, P. (2002) Tactical and Strategic Missile
Guidance, 4th Edition, pp. 239-244.
LaunchVehicle: SubOrbital/SubOrbVelocity
LaunchVehicle: Utilities/LaunchConstants