
   Thrust control function to raise the apogee using fminbnd. 
   Use with GuidedLaunch3D.

   Computes the apogee of the current state. If it is less than the
   desired apogee, it calls the ApogeeRaisingDeltaV function to compute
   the desired thrust direction for raising the apogee. If the altitude is
   close to the desired apogee, it applies thrust along the vector
   difference between the desired orbital velocity and the current
   velocity to circularize the orbit.

   Since version 1.0
   [on,thrustDir] = ThrustControlRaiseApogee( r, v, d, params );

   r             (3,1)   ECI position (km)
   v             (3,1)   ECI velocity (km/s)
   d              (.)    Model data
          .mu            (1,1)   Gravitational parameter
   params         (.)    Parameters
          .rA            (1,1)   Desired apogee (km)

   on            (1,1)   Whether thrust is commanded on or not.
   thrustDir     (3,1)   ECI unit thrust direction 



Math: Linear/Mag
Math: Linear/Unit
Orbit: OrbitControl/ApogeeRaisingDeltaV
Orbit: OrbitCoord/AE2RPRA
Orbit: OrbitCoord/RV2AE