A reentry simulation in Cartesian coordinates using LaunchVehicle3D.

The vehicle has one stage since propulsion is not modeled. The vehicle
starts 70 km up. This reentry is totally passive and no control is
See also RHSLaunchVehicle3D, Plot2D, TimeLabl, Mag, RK4, JD2000,
FlightPathAngle, OrbTrack, Gamma


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mSS       = [5000];      % Dry mass of each stage
thrust    = [00];        % Thrust of each stage
Isp       = 405;        % Specific inpulse
mFuel     = 0;
rocket    = CreateRocketModel(mSS, mFuel, thrust, Isp, 'demo', 'l' );
d         = LaunchRHSData( 3, rocket );
d.cDA     = 2.7*2;       % Drag coefficient of stage times area


r     = [1;0;0]*(d.Rp + 70);
v     = [0;1;0]*sqrt(d.mu/r(1));
x     = [r;v;0]; % Last number is mass of fuel

nSim  = 2400;
dT    = 1;

% Store plot points in x
x  = [x zeros(length(x),nSim)];
for k = 1:nSim

  % Propagate one step
  x(:,k+1) = RK4( @RHSLaunchVehicle3D, x(:,k), dT, 0, d );

  if( Mag(x(1:3,k+1)) - d.Rp <= eps )



nSim = k;
x    = x(:,1:(nSim+1));

% Plot the trajectory
t  = (0:nSim)*dT;
jD = JD2000 + t/86400;
OrbTrack( x(1:3,:), jD, '3d', d.planet );

% Create the time array and label
[t, tL] = TimeLabl( t);

% Plot the states
yL = {'X (km)' 'H (km)' 'V (km/s)' '\gamma (rad)'};
gamma = FlightPathAngle( x(1:6,:) );

h = Mag(x(1:3,:)) - d.Rp;
p = Mag(Unit(x(1:3,:)) - repmat(Unit(x(1:3,1)),1,nSim+1))*d.Rp;
Plot2D( t, [p;h;Mag(x(4:6,:));gamma], tL, yL, 'LV 2D States');
yL = {'X (km)' 'Y (km)' 'Z (km)' 'V_x (km/s)' 'V_y (km/s)' 'V_z (km/s)'};
Plot2D( t, x(1:6,:), tL, yL, 'LV States');

% PSS internal file version information