End-to-end TSTO launch simulation.

This simulates a two stage to orbit vehicle (TSTO). The first stage
has a turbofan engine and a ramjet. The second stage is a
LO2/LH2 engine. The second stage reaches 380 km goes into a circular
orbit and then reenters.
Each vehicle has time-varying mass. The propulsion functions are
external. The second stage is flown back to the ground.
See also MixedFlowTurbofan, Ramjet, RamjetH2, MachNo, RocketH2, UE,
AtmScaleHeightsStdAtm, RHSTSTO, Plot2D, TimeLabl, ECIToNED, Cross, Dot, Mag,
RK4, Unit, FPA


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nSim           = 200;
dT             = 1;
kmToM          = 1000;
g              = 9.806; % m/s^2

ramjetOn       = 0;
rocketOn       = 0;
kSeparation    = inf;

rPlanet        = 6378.165;
mu             = 3.9860036e5; % km/s^2
omega          = 2*pi/86400;
d.separated    = 0; % If 1 the vehicles separate

mFuel1H2       = 1000; % H2
mFuel1JP       = 1000; % Jet Fuel
mFuel2         = 10000; % H2/O2
mFuel1         = mFuel1H2 + mFuel1JP;

d.vehicle1.alpha        = 5*pi/180;
d.vehicle1.l            = 10;
d.vehicle1.sRef         = 20;
d.vehicle1.oswaldEff    = 0.95;
d.vehicle1.aspectRatio  = 6;
d.vehicle1.thickness    = 0.01;
d.vehicle1.cLAlpha      = 10;
d.vehicle1.massDry      = 10000;
d.vehicle1.mHyper       = 7;
d.vehicle1.force        = [0;0;0];
d.vehicle1.mDot         = 0;
d.vehicle1.omega        = omega;
d.vehicle1.mu           = mu;
d.vehicle1.rPlanet      = rPlanet;

d.vehicle2.alpha        = 0;
d.vehicle2.l            = 10;
d.vehicle2.sRef         = 20;
d.vehicle2.oswaldEff    = 0.95;
d.vehicle2.aspectRatio  = 6;
d.vehicle2.thickness    = 0.01;
d.vehicle2.cLAlpha      = 10;
d.vehicle2.massDry      = 1000;
d.vehicle2.mHyper       = 7;
d.vehicle2.force        = [0;0;0];
d.vehicle2.mDot         = 0;
d.vehicle2.omega        = omega;
d.vehicle2.mu           = mu;
d.vehicle2.rPlanet      = rPlanet;

r0                      = rPlanet;
r                       = [r0;0;0];
v                       = Cross(r,[0;0;omega]);

x                       = [r;v;mFuel1;r;v;mFuel2]; % Last number is mass of fuel

Store plot points in x

x                       = [x zeros(length(x),nSim)];
thr                     = zeros(3,nSim+1);

Create the turbofan model

turbofan = MixedFlowTurbofan( 'struct' );
MixedFlowTurbofan( 'initialize', turbofan );

control.afterburner   = 0;
control.throttleRatio = 1;              % Throttle ratio
control.tT4           = turbofan.tT4;   % Combustor temperature (K)
control.tT7           = turbofan.tT7;   % Afterburner temperature (K)


ramjet          = RamjetKerrebrock;
ramjet.aInlet   = 2.0;


rocket          = RocketH2O2( 'struct' );

Velocity orientation

az                    = 0;
fPAClimb              = 5*pi/180;
mRamjet               = 1.5;
mSeparation           = 5.5;
hSeparation           = 60;

omega                 = [0;0;omega];

Control initialization

glide                 = 0;
turbofanOn            = 1;

Run the sim

for k = 1:nSim

    % Flight data
    r    = x(1:3,k);
    v    = Mag(x(4:6,k) - Cross(r,omega));
    h    = Mag(r) - rPlanet;
    [rho,speedOfSound,nu,pressure,temperature] = AtmScaleHeightsStdAtm( h );
    p.speedOfSound	= speedOfSound;
    p.temperature   = temperature;
    machNo          = v*kmToM/speedOfSound;

    % Takeoff control
    if( h <= 0.001 )
        fPA = 0;
        fPA = fPAClimb;

    uNED = [cos(fPA)*sin(az);cos(fPA)*cos(az);-sin(fPA)];
    uECI = ECIToNED(r)'*uNED;

    % Engine control
    if( machNo > mSeparation || h > hSeparation )
        d.separated = 1;
        rocketOn    = 1;
        ramjetOn    = 0;
        glide       = 1;
    elseif( machNo > mRamjet && ~glide )
        turbofanOn = 0;
        ramjetOn   = 1;
        turbofanOn = 1;
        ramjetOn   = 0;

    thrustTurbofan = 0;
    thrustRamjet   = 0;
    thrustRocket   = 0;

    % Propulsion control
    if( turbofanOn )
      [thrustTurbofan, tSFC] = MixedFlowTurbofan( 'update', v, h, control );
      d.vehicle1.force  =  thrustTurbofan*uECI;
      d.vehicle1.mDot   = -thrustTurbofan*tSFC;
    elseif( ramjetOn )
      [thrustRamjet, iSp] = RamjetKerrebrock( v*kmToM/p.speedOfSound, ramjet, p );
      d.vehicle1.force =  thrustRamjet*uECI;
      d.vehicle1.mDot  = -thrustRamjet/(g*iSp);
      d.vehicle1.force = [0;0;0];
      d.vehicle1.mDot  = 0;

    if( rocketOn && x(14,k) > 0 )
        [thrustRocket, uE]	= RocketH2O2( rocket.p0, pressure,  rocket.aStar, rocket.aE, rocket.f, rocket.tP );
        d.vehicle2.force    = Unit(x(11:13,k))*thrustRocket;
        d.vehicle2.mDot     = -thrustRocket/uE;
        d.vehicle2.force	= [0;0;0];
        d.vehicle2.mDot   = 0;

    thr(:,k+1) = [thrustTurbofan;thrustRamjet;thrustRocket];

    x(:,k+1) = RK4( @RHSTSTO, x(:,k), dT, 0, d );


x       = x(:,1:(k+1));

Create the time array and label

[t, tL] = TimeLabl( (0:k)*dT );

Plot the states

yL = {'X (km)' 'H (km)' 'V (km/s)' 'dh/dt (m/s)'};

Vehicle 1

dhdt  = Dot(Unit(x(1:3,:)),x(4:6,:))*1000;
h     = Mag(x(1:3,:)) - rPlanet;
Plot2D( t, [x(1,:);h;Mag(x(4:6,:));dhdt], tL, yL, 'Vehicle 1');

Vehicle 2

dhdt = Dot(Unit(x(8:10,:)),x(11:13,:))*1000;
h = Mag(x(8:10,:)) - rPlanet;
Plot2D( t, [x(8,:);h;Mag(x(11:13,:));dhdt], tL, yL, 'Vehicle 2');


Plot2D( t, thr, tL, {'Turbofan (N)', 'Ramjet (N)', 'Rocket (N)'}, 'Thrust');


Plot2D( t, x([7 14],:), tL, {'First Stage (kg)', 'Second Stage (kg)'}, 'Fuel');

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