MatrixLib v3 General Reference

Here are links to the available header files:


#define ML_FP_TOL   1e-08
 Defines the smallest floating point number to compensate for machine epsilon.

 Determines whether array data is internally stored by columns (FORTRAN storage) or by rows (C storage).

#define ML_MAX_NUM_LEN   100
 Maximum number length for printing matrices, used by the to_string() function.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum ml_error_codes

Error codes for invalid matrix operations, stored in the public member variable ml_matrix::error.

Enumeration values:
ml_no_error = 0  No error reported.
ml_bad_index = 1  Attempt to access an invalid row or column value.
ml_size_mismatch = 2  The size of a matrix was incorrect for a given operation.
ml_non_invertible_matrix = 3  Occurs when ml_matrix::inv() or inv() is called on a matrix that does not have an inverse.
ml_bad_file_pointer = 4  Occurs when a matrix is constructed from an invalid file.
ml_bad_range = 5  Occurs when a submatrixing call has row or column information which is invalid.
ml_bad_operand = 6  Generally indicates an attempt to divide by zero.
ml_bad_string_format = 7  Occurs when a matrix is constructed from an invalid string.
ml_invalid_buffer = 8  Indicates a corrupted data buffer.
ml_lapack_error = 9  LAPACK reported an error in a function call.

enum ml_comparison

Comparison operations for the ml_matrix::find() and ml_int_array::find() functions.

Enumeration values:
ml_equal_to  Compares for equality.
ml_not_equal_to  Compares for inequality.
ml_less_than  Compares for the first element greater than.
ml_greater_than  Compares for the first element less than.
ml_less_than_or_equal_to  Compares for the first element greater than or equal to.
ml_greater_than_or_equal_to  Compares for the first element less than or equal to.