
   Wraps the Newton's method solver by trying several values.
   The function must be of the form

   fun( x, d )

   where d is a data structure with parameters

   [x, err, n] = NLEQSolver( fun, x, opt, d )

   fun           (1,:)   String with the function name
   x             (:,1)   The initial solution guess
   opt           (1,1)   The options for the solver  
                         .nMax (1,1) Maximum number of iterations
                         .tol  (1,1) Tolerance on error
                         .dX   (1,1) Perturbation for the Jacobian
                         .verb (1,1) If this field is entered it
                                     will print info if the number
                                     of iterations is exceeded.
   d             (1,1)   Data structure passed to fun
   xRange        (:,2)   Range of values for x

   x             (:,1)   The solution
   err           (:,1)   The errors
   itsTotal      (1,1)   Number of iterations



Common: Math/NLEqSolver