
   Computes the solution to the simplex problem with an optional
   maximum constraint. 
   [x,s,g,gU,BInv] = Simplex2(a,c,x,s,g,gU,BInv,maxValue,maxIter)

   a                      Constraint matrix
   c                      Cost vector  
   x                      State vector
   s                      Index to the constraint matrix
   g                      Index to non-basic columns of the constraint matrix 
   gU                     Index to non-basic columns of the constraint matrix that are at their upper bound
   BInv                   Inverse of basic columns   
   maxValue               Maximum constraint on x*
   maxIter                Maximum number of iterations*
                              * optional

   x                      State vector
   s                      Index to the constraint matrix
   g                      Index to non-basic columns of the constraint matrix 
   gU                     Index to non-basic columns of the constraint matrix that are at their upper bound
   BInv                   Inverse of basic columns 
   soln                   Flag for solution found within maxIter



Common: Math/InvP