   This routine produces a frequency vector that includes all of the
   complex poles of the system and all complex zeros of each channel.
   This vector is useful for frequency response calculations.
   w = WPZ( a, b, c, d, n, iu, iy )
   w = WPZ( num, den, n )

   a                   Plant matrix or numerator polynomials
   b                   Input matrix or denominator polynomials
   c                   Measurement matrix
   d                   Input feedthrough matrix
   n                   Number of frequency points
   iu                  Inputs  ( = 0, or leave out for all)
   iy                  Outputs ( = 0, or leave out for all)

   w                   Frequency vector



Common: Control/S2Damp
Common: Control/SizeABCD
Common: Control/TrnsZero
Common: Control/WReson
Common: Graphics/LogLimit