Torque produced by a wind turbine rotor using Glauert
blade element theory.
Type BEMHAWT for a demo
The default lift and drag function is LiftAndDragCoeff. Your function
is of the form [cL, cD] = MyFun( d, alpha )
which will be passed d.u = u0(1-a), and d.s = d.r(end)
[q, p, t] = BEMHAWT( d )
omega (1,1) Rotor angular rate (rad/s)
d (1,1) Data structure
.omega (1,1) Angular rate (rad/s)
.rho (1,1) Atmospheric density (kg/m^3
.u0 (1,n) Wind speed (m/s)
.theta (1,m) Pitch angle (rad)
.b (1,1) Number of blades
.lDFun (1,:) Lift and drag function pointer
.cLAlpha (1,1) Lift curve slope
.c (1,1) Chord
.r (1,m) Span positions
.prandtl (1,1) 1 = prandtl correction for tip loss
q (1,n) Torque (Nm)
p (1,n) Power (W)
t (1,n) Thrust (N)
Reference: Eggleston, D. and Stoddard, F., "Wind Turbine Engineering
Design," Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1987.
Common: Graphics/Mesh2
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
WindTurbine: Utility/LiftAndDragCoeff