Warning: include(../../includes/header.inc): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /opt/bitnami/apache/htdocs/support-site/wct/api/WindTurbineHeaders/ComputeCoeffFromShapeHeader.php on line 7

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   Computes lift, drag and moment coefficients for an airfoil.
   The airfoil may be entered as a file with x and y coordinates
   an image file (such as a .jpg) or as data.
   Files of numbers are a text file with a .dat suffix and consist
   of a line with a name and then a list of x,y pairs.


   for a demo. It will demonstrate an airfoil from a .jpg file and
   and airfoil from a .dat file.

   The computation uses the vortex panel method and is for inviscid 
   flow only.

   n can be a number of panels (top and bottom) or a list of
   x-coordinates for both top and bottom.

   If you enter x and y, x must form a closed loop (i.e. start and end
   at 1.0)
   [cL, cD, cM] = ComputeCoeffFromShape( x, y,          n, alpha )
   [cL, cD, cM] = ComputeCoeffFromShape(     imageFile, n, alpha )
   [cL, cD, cM] = ComputeCoeffFromShape( 'airfoil.dat', n, alpha )

   x              (1,:) x coordinates or file name
   y or n         (1,:) y coordinates or number of panels or alpha
   n              (1,1) Number of panels or alpha (deg)
   alpha          (1,n) Angles of attack (deg)

   cL             (1,n) Lift coefficients
   cD             (1,n) Drag coefficients
   cM             (1,n) Moment coefficients

   References: Kuethe, A.M., and C. Chow, "Foundations of Aerodynamics,
               Fifth Edition," John Wiley & Sons, 1998.


Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Math: Analysis/FitPair

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