Improved Gormont Dynamic Stall Model.
Obtain blade lift, drag and moment coefficients.
[CL, CD, CM] = IGormont( af, bld, Reb, alpha, alphadot, W )
af (1,1) Airfoil data structure
.reCL (1,:) Reynolds number
.alphaCL (1,:) Angle of attack (deg)
.cL (:,:) Lift coefficient
.reCD (1,:) Drag Reynolds number
.alphaCD (1,:) Angle of attack (deg)
.cD (:,:) Drag coefficient
.reCM (1,:) Reynolds number
.alphaCM (1,:) Angle of attack (deg)
.cM (:,:) Moment coefficient
.alpha0 (1,1) Angle of atack for zero lift
bld (1,1) Blade data structure
.c (1,1) Chord (m)
.H (1,1) Blade half length (m)
.thknss (1,1) Blade thickness (m)
Reb (1,1) Blade Reynolds number
alpha (1,1) Angle of attack (rad)
alphadot (1,1) Angle of attack rate (rad/s)
W (1,1) Relative wind speed (m/s)
CL (1,1) Blade lift coefficient
CD (1,1) Blade drag coefficient
CM (1,1) Blade moment coefficient
Reference: Gormont, R. E., "A Mathematical Model of Unsteady
Aerodynamics and Radial Flow for Application to Helicopter
Rotors," US Army Air Mobility R&D Lab, Report on Boeing-
Vertol Contract DAAJ02-71-C-0045, May 1973.