Path: AC/ACDynamics
% Cost function for the trimming algorithm Since version 2 (ACT) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: j = FTrim( v, x, d, g, w, nR ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ v Adjustable variables x (:) Aircraft state r (3,1) ECI position vector q (4,1) Quaternion from ECI to body w (3,1) Inertial body rate in body frame v (3,1) Velocity of cm wrt air d (:) Aircraft data structure g (:) Constraint structure .vT (1,1) Velocity (required) .rDot (1,1) Climb rate (optional) .eDot (3,1) Euler angle rate (optional) w (11,1) Weights [vDot, wDot, rDot, eDot, engDot] nR (1) Number of rotors ------- Outputs ------- j Scalar cost --------------------------------------------------------------------------
AC: ACCoord/AlphBeta AC: ACCoord/ECIToNED AC: ACCoord/EulRate AC: ACDynamics/AC Common: Quaternion/Q2Eul Common: Quaternion/QMult Common: Quaternion/QPose Common: Transform/Eul2Q Math: Linear/Mag
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