Path: AerospaceUtils/AtmosphericCalculations
% Computes the atmospheric density using an exponential model. The earth model has an additional scaling coefficient in the exponent. If planet is not entered the default is earth. Type AtmDens1 for demo. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: rho = AtmDens1( h, planet ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ h (1,:) Altitude (km) planet (1,:) 'earth', 'mercury', 'venus', 'mars', 'pluto', 'europa' ------- Outputs ------- rho (1,:) Atmospheric Density kg/m^3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reference: Lang, K. R., "Astrophysical Data: Planets and Stars", Springer- Verlag, p 50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: Graphics/NewFig Common: Graphics/TitleS Common: Graphics/XLabelS Common: Graphics/YLabelS SC: Environs/MolWt2R
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