AirData |
Computes air data based on a simplified standard atmosphere model. |
AtmDens1 |
Computes the atmospheric density using an exponential model. |
AtmDens2 |
Computes the Earth's atmospheric density using scale heights. |
AtmGamma |
Computes the ratio of specific heats for air. |
AtmJ70 |
Computes the atmospheric density using Jacchia's 1970 model. |
AtmSnd |
Computes the speed of sound in the atmosphere. |
AtmTemp |
Computes the atmospheric temperature using a simplified model. |
BaromExp |
Computes the barometric exponent. |
DiffusionExp |
Computes the diffusion exponent. |
JacchiaLineberry |
Jacchia-Lineberry model of the upper atmosphere. |
ReynoldsNumber |
Reynold's number as a function of atmospheric density. |
SutherlandsLaw |
Sutherland's law for dynamic viscosity. |
TemperatureStagnation |
Compute the stagnation temperature in the earth's atmosphere. |
AddThermalDevices |
Add a heater and thermistor to each component. |
AreaTriMesh |
Computes the area of a triangle mesh. |
AutoCADColor |
Converts an AutoCAD color into a [r,g,b] color. |
BHinge |
Compute a transformation matrix from a bHinge data structure. |
BinaryToString |
Converts a bit array to a string. [1 0 1 0] will become 0101. |
BodyPlugIn |
Create the CAD body GUI plug in. |
BoundingBox |
Compute a bounding box for a component |
BuildCADModel |
Build a model of a spacecraft using repeated calls to this function. |
CADColor |
Color a CAD Model. This function can be used only to change the colors |
CADNotebook |
Work with a model using the CAD data structure. |
CentroidOBJFile |
Computes the centroid of an obj file. |
CombineOBJFiles |
Combines obj files and writes a new file. |
ComponentPlugIn |
Create an component GUI plug in. |
ComponentPopup |
Draw a component |
CreateBody |
Create a body with hinge data. |
CreateCADReport |
Creates CAD model report. It will create HTML tables or formatted output. |
CreateCADTable |
Creates a CAD Report by subystem listing: |
CreateComponent |
Create a CAD component. This function has a built-in demo. |
CreateReport |
Creates power and mass reports from a CAD model. |
CrossSection |
Determine cross-sectional area from CAD model. |
DeviceProperties |
Generates default properties for specific devices. |
Dim |
NOTE: Transparency only supported for MATLAB versions after 5.2. |
Draw2DViewPlugIn |
Draw the spacecraft components in a 2D representation. |
DrawPatch |
Draw a series of patches. |
DrawSCPlanPlugIn |
Draw a spacecraft in a plain 3D box with Gouraud lighting. |
DrawSpacecraftPatches |
Draw the spacecraft CAD model using patches. |
ExportCAD |
Export a CAD file to a text file. |
ExportDSim |
Export fields required by DSim. This routine will create three files. |
ExportDXF |
Export a DXF file. |
ExportOBJ |
Export an OBJ file. |
FindComponents |
Find the indices of components containing a particular string |
ForceAndTorqueEnvelope |
Computes the force and torque envelope. n is the number of samples. |
GenericProperties |
Generates generic properties for CAD components. The types are: |
Return a single set of vertices "v" and faces "f" for the CAD model. |
Finds the visible surfaces given a vertex and face list. |
LoadCAD |
Load a 3D CAD file. Handles .dxf, .obj and .3DMF files. |
MassBudget |
Create a mass budget for a flight vehicle. |
MassBudgetInput |
Create a data structure for MassBudget. Enter parameter pairs. |
MatlabColorToObj |
Convert Matlab color parameters to obj parameters. |
PanelBoxCAD |
Build a box with panels. |
RotateOBJFile |
Rotates and scaleać an obj file name.obj. |
SetCADQuaternion |
Set the inertial attitude of a CAD model. |
SetCADRotation |
Set CAD model rotations using parameter/value pairs. |
SetCADState |
Set the inertial state of a CAD model. |
ShowCAD |
Display a stored CAD model in a plain 3D box using DrawSCPlanPlugIn. |
SpacecraftPlugIn |
Create a Spacecraft GUI plug in. |
TesselatePolygon |
Tesselate polygons by breaking them into triangles. |
ThrusterCAD |
Create a thruster model. |
TreeBldCAD |
Take the CAD data and create the body array for Tree. |
TreeDraw |
Update the 3D drawing data structure. |
TriMesh3DMF |
Generate a 3DMF for a trimesh. This function will append ".t3d" to the file. |
Converts azimuth and elevation to a unit vector. |
AzCoElToU |
Converts azimuth and coelevation to a unit vector. |
AzElRangeRangeDotToRV |
Compute r, v from range, range rate, az and el. |
BankAngle |
Bank angle computations |
CoordinateTransform |
Transform between selected coordinate frames and representations. |
Compute latitude, longitude, altitude from ECEF position. |
Computes the matrix from mean of Aries 2000 to the earth fixed frame. |
EFToLatLonAlt |
Convert an earth fixed position vector to [latitude;longitude;altitude] |
FLagrange |
Lagrange point RHS. |
Gc2GdLat |
Convert geocentric latitude to geodetic latitude. |
Gd2GcLat |
Convert geodetic latitude to geocentric latitude |
HorizonAngle |
Angle between the horizon and a vector from rG to rS. |
Inertial2Rotating |
Converts a coordinates in an inertial reference frame to coordinates in a |
IntersectPlanet |
Altitude of the nearest point to a sphere. |
Compute ECEF position from latitude, longitude, altitude. |
LatLonAltToEF |
Convert [latitude;longitude;altitude] to an earth fixed position vector. |
LatLonToR |
Converts geodetic latitude and longitude to r for an ellipsoidal planet. |
OmegaLVLH |
Generate the LVLH angular rate vector. |
Q2RADec |
Compute right ascension and declination of a vector from a quaternion. |
QAcq |
Given at least three vectors computes the initial quaternion. |
QAlign |
Rotate about a body axis to align a body vector with an inertial vector. |
QHills |
Generate the quaternion that transforms from the ECI to the Hills frame. |
QIToBDot |
Computes the time derivative of a quaternion. |
Generate the quaternions that transform from ECI to LVLH coordinates. |
QLatLon |
Generate the quaternions that transform from ECI to a lat/long frame |
QNadirPoint |
Generate a quaternion that points a body vector uB towards nadir. |
QRotateToAlign |
Rotate about an axis to align "ua" as close as possible to target "ut" |
Interpolate a quaternion using the SLERP algorithm. |
QToPFTarget |
Generate a quaternion to go to a planet fixed lat/long target. |
R2LatLon |
Computes geocentric latitude and longitude from r |
Computes right ascension and declination and their rates. |
RaDec2Q |
Right ascension and declination to a quaternion. |
Rotating2Inertial |
Converts a coordinates in a rotating reference frame to inertial. |
SunAzEl |
Approx. azimuth and elevation of the sun for a time and place on earth. |
U2AzEl |
Converts a unit vector to azimuth and elevation. |
U2RADec |
Computes the right ascension and declination from a unit vector. |