Path: AerospaceUtils/ComponentModels
% Create pictures for General Dynamics REAs. Units are meters. Available types: mr-103c mr-106e mr-111c lm Type REAModel for a demo. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [v, f, d] = REAModel( type, uPlume ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ type (1,:) Type uPlume (3,1) Unit vector for plume ------- Outputs ------- v (n,3) Vertices f (n,3) Faces d (1,1) Data .mass .power .propulsion --------------------------------------------------------------------------
AerospaceUtils: CAD/GenericProperties Common: ComponentModels/Frustrum Common: Graphics/NewFig Common: Graphics/XLabelS Common: Graphics/YLabelS Common: Graphics/ZLabelS Common: MassProperties/Inertias Common: Quaternion/Q2Mat Common: Quaternion/U2Q Math: Linear/Mag
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