
   Compute the trim controls for an airship at a range of flight conditions
   data = AirshipTrimAnalysis( data )

   data    (.)   Data structure generated by the function,
                 "GenerateAirshipAeroMats", with fields:
                  - name
                  - xo:       x-location of origin                   [m]
                  - h:        altitude                               [m]
                  - theta:    flight path angle                      [rad]
                  - alpha:    angle of attack         (1xM vector)   [rad]
                  - V:        velocity                (1xN vector)   [m/s]
                  - Fx:       force in x-direction    (MxN matrix)   [N]
                  - Fz:       force in z-direction    (MxN matrix)   [N]
                  - My:       moment about y-axis     (MxN matrix)   [Nm]

   data    (.)   New data structure. Copy of input with additional fields:
                  - T:        Trim thrust value        (MxN matrix)  [N]
                  - mu:       Trim thrust pitch angle  (MxN matrix)  [rad]
                  - dELV:     Trim elevator deflection (MxN matrix)  [rad]

   See also GenerateAirshipAeroMats, BuildAirshipModel


Airships: Analysis/GenerateAirshipAeroMats
Airships: Mass/BuildAirshipMassModel
Airships: Modeling/BuildAirshipModel
Common: Atmosphere/StdAtm
Common: Graphics/NewFig