Path: Common/Control
% Design a quadratic controller. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [gC, j] = LQC( g, w, type, t ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ g (:) Plant of type statespace w (:) Weighting matrices depends on the type of design ------------------------------- w.q : lq, lqe, lqg, all ...of, lqgltri w.r w.k (optional initial stabilizing gain for of) w.n (optional) ------------------------------- w.b : lqe ------------------------------- w.qE : lqg, lqgtro w.rE w.bE (optional) w.nE (optional) w.w (optional) Frequencies for sv plots ------------------------------- w.rho : lqgltri or lqgltro w.q0 w.gLow robustness low frequency limit w.gHigh robustness low frequency limit type (1,:) Type of design 'lq' Full state feedback 'lqe' Estimator 'lqg' Full state feedback with estimator 'lqof' Linear quadratic with output feedback 'lqtof' Linear quadratic tracker with output feedback 'lquwof' Time weighted control linear quadratic with output feedback 'lqtuwof' Time weighted control linear quadratic tracker with output feedback 'lqxwof' Time weighted state linear quadratic with output feedback 'lqtxwof' Time weighted state linear quadratic tracker with output feedback 'lqgltri' Full state feedback with estimator and loop transfer recovery at the input 'lqgltro' Full state feedback with estimator and loop transfer recovery at the output t (:) Tracking model .r .g .h ------- Outputs ------- gC (:) Controller of type statespace j (:) .initial .final --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: Classes/@statespace/and.m Common: Classes/@statespace/close.m Common: Classes/@statespace/connect.m Common: Classes/@statespace/eig.m Common: Classes/@statespace/get.m Common: Classes/@statespace/getabcd.m Common: Classes/@statespace/getsub.m Common: Classes/@statespace/isempty.m Common: Classes/@statespace/mtimes.m Common: Classes/@statespace/plus.m Common: Classes/@statespace/series.m Common: Classes/@statespace/set.m Common: Classes/@statespace/statespace.m Common: Control/JLQOF Common: Control/JLQTOF Common: Control/JLQTWOF Common: Control/QCE Common: Control/QCR Common: Control/SVPlot Common: General/IsVersionAfter
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