Path: CubeSat/Demos/Simulation
% Demonstrate a CubeSat with gravity gradient stabilization. The gravity gradient boom is along the Z axis in the body frame, and produces restoring torques around X and Y. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- See also AnimQ, QForm, Plot2D, TimeLabl, RK4, Skew, Date2JD, RHSCubeSat, BDipole ------------------------------------------------------------------------ %
AeroUtils: CAD/AddMass AeroUtils: Coord/QLVLH Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: MassProperties/MassStructure Common: Quaternion/AnimQ Common: Quaternion/QForm Common: Quaternion/QMult Common: Quaternion/QPose Common: Time/Date2JD CubeSat: AttitudeControl/InertiaCubeSat CubeSat: Simulation/RHSCubeSat Math: Integration/RK4 Math: Linear/SkewSq SC: Attitude/LibrationFrequency SC: BasicOrbit/OrbRate SC: BasicOrbit/Period SC: BasicOrbit/VOrbit SC: Environs/BDipole
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