CubeSatPropulsion | Returns the force, torque and mass flow for a cold gas system. |
AttitudeControlSimRWA | Simulate a rigid body with 3-axis attitude control. |
CubeSatDisturbanceAnalysis | CubeSat disturbance analysis from batch data using RHSCubeSat. |
InertiaCubeSat | Compute the inertia of a CubeSat. |
InertiaTubeSat | Compute the inertia of a TubeSat. |
MagneticControl | Implement instantaneous magnetic control with torquers. |
MomentumUnloading | Compute the torque from a magnetic momentum unloading system. |
ReactionWheelDesign | Design a reaction wheel to meet input requirements. |
LinkOrbitAnalysis | Link analysis computing bit error probability along an orbit. |
CubeSat3U.mat - CubeSat CAD model. |
CubeSatGG.mat - CubeSat CAD model with GG boom. |
DisturbancesDemo | Example CubeSat disturbance analysis |
MagneticControlDemo | Magnetic control demand analysis |
CubeSatTiltedWings | Design a 3U CubeSat with Tilted Wings |
DesignMagneticTorquer | Design an air coil magnetic torquer for a CubeSat. |
AttitudeProfileDemo | Demonstrate the AttitudeProfile function. |
OrbitAndSensorConeAnimation | Demonstrate the playback of multiple orbits and moving sensor cones. |
RepeatingGroundTrackDemo | Compute and simulate a repeat ground track orbit |
BatterySizing | Compute the power storage requirements for a CubeSat. |
FFSimDemo | Demonstrate the use of FFSim to analyze disturbance effects. |
CubeSatGGStabilized | Demonstrate a CubeSat with gravity gradient stabilization. |
CubeSatRWASimulation | Demonstrate CubeSat attitude and power dynamics with reaction wheels. |
CubeSatSimulation | Demonstrate a CubeSat attitude and power system dynamics. |
MagneticHysteresisOrbit | Magnetic hysteresis over multiple orbits. |
MomentumManagement | Demonstrate simple dipole based momentum management |
RadiationDisturbance | Radiation pressure disturbance demo. |
SpacecraftWithDamping | A spacecraft with rate or hysteresis damping. |
TubeSatSimulation | Demonstrate a TubeSat attitude and power system dynamics. |
TwoSpacecraftOrbitSimulation | Demonstrate a 2 satellite CubeSat constellation. |
TwoSpacecraftSimpleOrbitSimulation | Demonstrate a 2 satellite CubeSat constellation |
IsothermalCubeSatDemo | Isothermal satellite demo |
AttitudeProfile | Build an attitude profile consisting of multiple overlapping modes. |
FindTimeWindows | Find time windows when elements of vector x are within specified range |
ObservationTimeWindows | Generate a set of observation time windows for each lat/lon target |
ObservationTimeWindowsPlot | Plot ground track and observation windows for a satellite and targets |
PackageOrbitDataForPlayback | Package orbit data into a structure for use in PlaybackOrbitSim. |
PlaybackOrbitSim | Play back an orbit simulation of multiple objects with sensor cones. |
RapidSwath | Compute the intersection curve between a sensor cone and spherical planet. |
RepeatGroundTrack | Design a repeat ground-track orbit. |
SolarCellPower | Compute the power for a solar power system. |
FFSim | Formation flying simulation for circular orbits. |
FFSimPlotter | Plot the results from "FFSim". Finishes by setting up an animation. |
CADToSimParameters | Convert CAD model to CubeSat arrays. |
CubeSatAero | Aerodynamic model for a CubeSat. |
CubeSatEnvironment | Environment calculations for the CubeSat dynamical model. |
CubeSatRadiationPressure | Radiation pressure model for a CubeSat around the Earth. |
FOrbitMultiSpacecraft | Multispacecraft orbit model designed to work with ode113. |
RHSCubeSat | Right-hand-side for a CubeSat orbit and attitude dynamical model. |
RHSMomentum | RHS for momentum in the inertial frame. |
TubeSatDefaultDataStructure | Default data structure for TubeSat model. |
IsothermalCubeSatSim | An isothermal CubeSat simulation using Euler integration. |
RHSIsothermalCubeSat | An isothermal CubeSat model right-hand-side. |
CubeSatAttitude | Returns the CubeSat attitude quaternion from ECI to body. |
CubeSatFaces | Returns the faces along each axis of a linear CubeSat. |
CubeSatModel | Generate vertices and faces for a CubeSat model. |
LatLonPlot | Plot latitude vs. longitude nicely so that the wrapped longitude does |
LoadOBJModel | Load a Wavefront OBJ file. The file can have an associated .mtl file. |
TubeSatFaces | Returns the faces along each axis of a cylindrical TubeSat. |
TubeSatModel | Generate vertics and faces for a TubeSat model. |
WrapSegments | Separate a wrapped vector into a series of segments in cells. |
DrawCubeSat | Draw a CubeSat with surface normals. |
DrawCubeSatSolarAreas | Visualize the solar cell area for the CubeSat. |
DrawSpacecraftInOrbit | Draw the Earth, CubeSat model, orbit, sensor cone(s), and GPS |
GroundTrack | Plot an orbit track. Converts the inertial positions to planet-fixed. |
PlotOrbit | Plot the state in 3D with an Earth map. |
SVN Revision: 42425
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