Path: CubeSat/Demos/Simulation
% Demonstrate a TubeSat attitude and power system dynamics. This multi-day simulation includes drag and radiation pressure. The only actuator available for attitude is magnetic torquers, which is modeled as a dipole. Compare the resulting gravity gradient torques to those produced by the constant magnetic dipole. Try it: try zero magnetic dipole, and larger or smaller values. Hint: with a strong enough magnetic dipole the satellite will align itself to the Earth's magnetic field. Also note the drag force and change in orbital altitude over the simulation. To perform an attitude animation via AnimQ at the end uncomment the last line; it takes a few minutes to run. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- See also AnimQ, QForm, Plot2D, TimeLabl, RK4, Skew, Date2JD, InertiaCubeSat, CubeSatAero, RHSCubeSat, TubeSatFaces, BDipole, SolarFluxPrediction, TubeSatDefaultDataStructure, DrawCubeSatSolarAreas ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (c) 2009, 2013, 2016 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Since version 8. 2016.1 - Update to use TubeSatDefaultDataStructure and DrawCubeSatSolarAreas. Change initial attitude to be gravity gradient stable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
AeroUtils: Coord/QLVLH Common: Graphics/Figui Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Graphics/TimeLabl Common: Quaternion/QForm Common: Time/Date2JD CubeSat: Simulation/RHSCubeSat CubeSat: Simulation/TubeSatDefaultDataStructure CubeSat: Visualization/DrawCubeSatSolarAreas CubeSat: Visualization/PlotOrbit Math: Integration/RK4 Math: Linear/Mag SC: BasicOrbit/OrbRate SC: BasicOrbit/VOrbit SC: Environs/BDipole
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