
Path: CubeSat/Simulation

% Radiation pressure model for a CubeSat around the Earth. 

 Includes solar pressure, earth radiation pressure, and earth albedo.
 Has a built-in demo. Retrieve a default data structure
 by calling with no inputs, or append the additional fields to an
 existing structure. Set d.planet to 0 (false) to ignore planetary disturbances
 and calculate only solar pressure.
   [force, torque] = CubeSatRadiationPressure( p, d )
   d = CubeSatRadiationPressure       % default d
   d = CubeSatRadiationPressure( d )  % add needed fields to d
   CubeSatRadiationPressure           % 

   p         (.)    Data structure from CubeSatEnvironment
                    .r    (3,1) ECI position
                    .v    (3,1) ECI velocity
                    .q    (4,1) ECI to body quaternion
                    .uSun (3,1) ECI sun unit vector
                    .solarFlux (1,1) Solar flux at position (W/m2)
                    .nEcl      (1,1) Normalized source intensity from Eclipse
                    .radiation (1,1) Planet radiation 
                    .albedo    (1,1) Planet albedo fraction
                    .radiusPlanet (1,1) Planet radius (km)
   d         (.)    Surface data structure
                    .nFace      (3,:) Face outward unit normals
                    .rFace      (3,:) Face vectors with respect to the origin
                    .cM         (3,1) Center of mass with respect to the orgin
                    .area       (1,:) Area of each face
                    .sigma      (3,:) Radiation coefficients [absorbed;
                                      specular; diffuse]
                    .planet     (1,1) Flag for planetary contributions
                    .att         (.)  Attitude data structure

   force    (3,1)   ECI force (N)
   torque   (3,1)   Body fixed torque (Nm)

 See also SolarF, CubeSatAttitude


Common: Graphics/AddFillToPlots
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/TimeLabl
Common: Quaternion/QForm
Common: Quaternion/QTForm
CubeSat: Simulation/CubeSatEnvironment
CubeSat: Utilities/CubeSatAttitude
CubeSat: Utilities/CubeSatFaces
Math: Linear/Cross
Math: Linear/Unit
SC: BasicOrbit/RVFromKepler
SC: Disturbances/SolarF
SC: Ephem/Eclipse

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