
Path: Dynamics/Robotics

% Smooth friction model.
   This model uses functions that are differentiable. x may be an array 
   and d has coefficients for different joints. f is a two dimensional
   array with one row per element of d and one column per element of x.

   Type FrictionSmooth

   f = FrictionSmooth( x, d )

   x	(n,:)   Rate (linear or angular)
   d	(1,1)   Friction data structure
               .fStatic	(1,1)	Static friction maximum
               .kStatic    (1,1)	Static friction scaling coefficient
               .fCoulomb   (1,1)	Coulomb friction maximum
               .kCoulomb   (1,1)	Coulomb friction scaling coefficient
                                   (higher means a faster rise)
               .bViscous   (1,1)	Viscous friction coefficient

   f	(n,:)   Friction



Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark
Common: General/CellToMat
Common: General/MatToCell
Common: General/Watermark
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/PltStyle

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