
Path: Dynamics/Plasma

% Generates a statespace model of a tokamak. 
 The output is the vertical current moment of the plasma current centroid. This
 system is unstable.
   g = SSTokamak( d )

   d           (1,1) Data structure
                     .rAA (1,1) Active coil resistance (Ohm)
                     .rVV (1,1) Passive coil resistance(Ohm)
                     .lAV (1,1) Active-passive coil mutual inductance (H)
                     .lAA (1,1) Active coil self-inductance (H)
                     .lVV (1,1) Passive coil self-inductance  (H)
                     .lAP (1,1) Mutual change inductance between the
                                active coils and plasma displacement (H/m)
                     .lVP (1,1) Mutual change inductance between the 
                                passive coils and plasma displacement(H/m) 
                     .aPP (1,1) Normalized destabilizing force 
                                0.4 to 0.6 e-6 H/m^2

   g            (1,1) Statespace

   Reference: Scibile, L. and B. Kouvaritakis (2001.) "A Discrete Adaptive
              Near-Time Optimum Control for the Plasma Vertical Position
              in a Tokamak." IEEE Transactions on Control System 
              Technology. Vol. 9, No. 1, January 2001.


Common: Classes/@statespace/and.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/close.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/connect.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/eig.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/get.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/getabcd.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/getsub.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/isempty.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/mtimes.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/plus.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/series.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/set.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/statespace.m
Common: Control/DispG
Common: Control/EigEval

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