Compute the total delta-v assoc. w/ several types of reconfigurations.
Since version 7.
dV = DeltaVAnalysis( el0, y0_i, aE_i, beta_i, y0_f, aE_f, beta_f );
el0 (1,6) Reference element set (Alfriend format) [a,theta,i,q1,q2,W]
y0_i (1) Initial along-track offset
aE_i (1) Initial semi-major axes of relative ellipse
beta_i (1) Initial phase offset in relative ellipse
y0_f (1,M) Final set of along-track offsets
aE_f (1,N) Final set of semi-major axes of relative ellipse
beta_f (1,P) Final set of phase offsets in relative ellipse
dV (M,N,P) 3-D matrix of total delta-v's associated with each
different type of reconfiguration.
FormationFlying: Control/ImpulsiveManeuver
FormationFlying: DataStructures/Geometry_Structure
FormationFlying: DataStructures/PlanningParameters_Structure
FormationFlying: DataStructures/State_Structure
FormationFlying: DataStructures/Window_Structure
FormationFlying: Transformation/DeltaElem2Hills
FormationFlying: Transformation/Goals2DeltaElem