
   View the 3-D trajectory of a formation in Hills frame.

   Since version 7.
   h = ViewFormation( el0, g, h, color )

   el0             (1,6)     Reference orbital elements (Alfriend format) [a,th,i,q1,q2,W]
   g                (.)      Geometric goals data structure with following fields:
                                - y0     along-track offset                       [km]
                                - aE     semi-major axis of relative ellipse      [km]
                                - beta   angle on ellipse at perigee              [rad]
                                - zInc   cross-track amp. due to inc. diff        [km]
                                - zLan   cross-track amp. due to right ascen diff [km]
   h                (1)      Figure handle (optional)
   color            (:)      Color to display the trajectory in (optional)
                                - can be a string (ie, 'r') or a 3x1 vector

   h                (1)     Figure handle



Common: General/IsVersionAfter
Common: Graphics/AddAxes
FormationFlying: Coord/CirclePhase
FormationFlying: Coord/RotateState
FormationFlying: Transformation/Goals2Hills
Math: Linear/Mag