Path: SC/Sensor
% Models a conical scanning earth sensor. The noise is added to the chordwidth and dihedral angle outputs. If the scan is off the earth both are output as zero and the noTarget flag is set to 1. The output is discretized only if quant is provided. Since version 1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [chordWidth, dihedralAngle, noTarget] = ESACS( qIToB, rNadir, u, cant, pitchAxis, refAxis, noise, quant ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ qIToB (4,1) Quaternion from the inertial to the body frame rNadir (3,1) Nadir vector in the inertial frame (km) u (3,1) Sensor spin-axis cant (1,1) Sensor element cant angle from the spin-axis (rad) pitchAxis (1,1) Pitch axis (1, 2 or 3 )* Default == 2 refAxis (1,1) Reference axis for pitch (1, 2 or 3)* Default == 3 noise (1,1) Noise 1 sigma* Default == 0 quant (1,1) Quantization* Default is none ------- Outputs ------- chordwidth (1,1) Measured chordwidth, or counts dihedralAngle (1,1) Measured dihedral angle, or counts noTarget (1,1) 1 = off the earth, 0 = on the earth --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: Quaternion/QForm
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