BDDesign |
Designs a blowdown system. |
BatteryDesign |
Size a battery given an orbit and planet. |
BatterySize |
BatterySize Battery sizing for a given orbit and array power. |
BloDown |
Generates a blowdown curve. |
Simple CMG model. Assumes a tach loop controls the CMG momentum. |
EffPw |
Computes the effective pulsewidth given the rise and fall times. |
Friction |
Computes friction torques based on a model with an exponential term. |
FrictionBristle |
Friction model. This model uses a bristle state. |
FrictionSmooth |
Rotary friction model using differentiable functions. |
HydrazineThruster |
Computes the thrust and fuel consumed for thrusters. |
MagAirC |
Designs an air coil by minimizing a weighted combination of power and mass. |
MagTComp |
Performs a tradeoff of magnetic torquers versus thrusters. |
MomArm |
Computes the moment arms for a set of thrusters. |
PWMSeq |
Generate a pulsewidth modulated sequence given x. |
PropellantMass |
Compute the propellant mass and pressurant mass for a tank. |
A RWA model using FrictionSmooth. |
RWABristle |
A RWA model using FrictionBristle to model the friction. |
RWASizing |
Size a reaction wheel using maneuver requirements. |
RWASmart |
Smart RWA model. This models an RWA using Hall sensors. |
RWASpec |
Calculates RWA parameters from spec sheet parameters. |
RocketEquation |
Compute the final mass from the rocket equation. |
SingleAxisDrive |
Model a stepping motor drive. |
ThrusterColdGas |
Cold gas thruster propulsion system |
URWAPyramid |
Generate unit vectors for a RWA pyramid. |
AddMassDot |
Add mass and mass derivatives using the mass data structure. |
AngRate |
Computes the magnitude of the angular rate of the momentum vector |
ArcEff |
Arc efficiency from spin rate and pulsewidth. |
CMGAMatrix |
Computes the transfer matrix from gimbal rates to torques. |
DSTCrit |
Compute dual spin turn rates |
DSpnStab |
Computes the dual spin stability. |
DWheel |
Computes the damping coefficient ratio for a damper wheel. |
DblPivot |
Computes the unit normal for a double pivoted assembly. |
DeltaQTarget |
Generate a target quaternion by limiting the total angular change. |
DeltaRate |
Computes the new angular rate when the inertia changes. |
Integrand for pointing budgets. |
GetModes |
Extract flex modes from a finite element modal transformation matrix. |
GimbalC |
Generate gimbal commands for a gimbal stationkeeping system. |
IC3X326 |
Convert 3x3 inertia matrix to [Ixx Iyy Izz Ixy Ixz Iyz]. |
InertiaTotal |
Computes the new inertia and body rate when appendages change discretely. |
LibrationFrequency |
Compute the libration frequency from inertia and orbit rate. |
LoadFlex |
Reads in flex data from a formatted text file. |
Computes a spin precession maneuver using a rhumb line precession. |
PBudget |
Computes a pointing budget over n categories. |
PCentr |
Calculates the time from pulse start to the centroid. |
PPDelay |
Compute the pulse pair delay for a Spin Precession Maneuver. |
PermanentMagnetRHS |
------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
PointingBudgetGUI |
Creates pointing budgets using a GUI. |
PointingBudgetLatex |
Computes a pointing budget over n categories. |
Rhumb line precession |
RLPMnvr |
Simulate a rhumb line precession. |
RW2SDev |
Converts random walk measured over dT to standard deviation. |
RYDyn |
Generates open loop four channel magnitude plots for roll/yaw dynamics. |
SkewDipl |
Computes the skew angle for a single dipole used to control yaw and roll. |
SumRXF |
Sum a set of torques produced by summing T = rxF |
VXPhi |
Take the cross product a matrix of vectors times a flex transformation matrix. |
CP2I |
Transformation matrix from the perifocal frame to the inertial frame. |
E2M |
Converts eccentric anomaly to mean anomaly. |
E2Nu |
Computes the true anomaly from the eccentric or hyperbolic anomaly. |
El2RV |
Converts orbital elements to r and v for an elliptic orbit. |
FOrbCart |
Computes the right-hand-side of the orbit equations about a mass point. |
M2E |
Generate the eccentric anomaly from the mean anomaly and the |
M2EApp |
Approximate root to Kepler's Equation for elliptical and hyperbolic orbits. |
M2EEl |
Eccentric anomaly for an ellipse. |
M2EHy |
Eccentric anomaly for a hyperbola. |
M2Nu |
Computes the true anomaly from the mean anomaly. |
M2NuAbs |
Computes the true anomaly from the mean anomaly without wrapping. |
M2NuPb |
Generate the true anomaly from the mean anomaly for a parabola. |
Nu2E |
Converts true anomaly to eccentric or hyperbolic anomaly. |
Nu2M |
Converts true anomaly to mean anomaly. |
Nu2MAbs |
Computes the mean anomaly from the true anomaly without wrapping btwn -pi / pi |
OrbRate |
Compute the orbital rate from distance and semi-major axis. |
Period |
Compute the period for any orbit. |
PeriodToSMA |
Compute the semi major axis from the period |
Computes m, nu and E from r, a and e. |
RHSOrbit |
Right hand side for a simple orbit. |
RV2A |
Computes the semimajor axis given position and velocity magnitudes. |
RV2El |
Converts Cartesian state to Keplerian orbital elements. |
RVFromKepler |
Generate an orbit by propagating Keplerian elements. |
VOrbit |
Computes the orbital velocity. |
DemoController |
Demo controller |
Dyn |
Returns the mass and right hand side of the dynamics equations. |
DynP |
Returns the mass and right hand side of the dynamics equations. |
Sliding mass on a pendulum using independent coordinates |
Single pendulum using independent coordinates |
FMagSim |
Dynamics of spacecraft with one reaction wheel. |
FNMThruster |
Cost functional |
Simulate a reaction wheel |
FRWABristle |
RWA model |
Roll/yaw simulation RHS |
FRYSim |
Roll/yaw simulation. |
Compute smooth friction RHS. |
FTBRef |
Right hand side of the two body equations. |
Measurement equation for a roll/yaw controller. |
HysteresisOutput |
Gather output from the hysteresis damping simulation |
KConst |
The constraint equations and Jacobians. |
KConstP |
The constraint equations and Jacobians. The outputs are |
KConstQ |
The constraint equations and Jacobians. |
QMultJPL |
Q2 transforms from A to B and Q1 transforms from B to C |
ASim |
Attitude simulation of a rigid body. |
DIModel |
Double integrator model. |
AKM Burn right-hand-side |
The right hand side of equations formulated using Lagrange multipliers |
FGs |
Gyrostat right-hand-side. |
FPivot |
Computes the right hand side of the spacecraft with pivot eofm. |
Rigid body right-hand-side. |
FRBWithMag |
Rigid body right-hand-side with magnetic torque computed internally. |
Two body spacecraft model right-hand-side. |
FXModel |
Plant for a momentum bias spacecraft with flexible solar arrays. |
GSModel |
Gyrostat dynamics model which computes acceleration or plant matrices. |
GetFlex |
Reads in flex data from a formatted text file. |
MBModel |
Momentum bias spacecraft model |
PlotFlex |
See GetFlex for formatting data into the needed structure. |
RBModel |
Computes the angular acceleration of a rigid body. |
RHSRigidBody |
Spacecraft attitude and orbit dynamics with a disturbance function. |
RHSRigidBodyWithDamping |
Rigid body dynamics with damping. |
SCWithRollPivot |
Model for a spacecraft with a roll pivot. |
SCwPivot |
Model for a spacecraft with a single pivoted momentum wheel. |
TBModel |
Since version 1. |
Tree |
Right hand side of the equations of motion for a topological tree. |
TreeAdd |
Add a body to the tree data structure. |
TreeH |
Computes the momentum for the topological tree dynamics. |
TreeInit |
Create the tree data structure |
TreePlot |
Plot the output of tree. |
TreePrnt |
Print out the body information for the tree model. |
VIModel |
Computes the angular acceleration of a body with time varying inertia. |
WireC |
The right hand side of the wire equations formulated using Lagrange multipliers |
WireDMch |
Models the deployment mechanism |
WireFRB |
Spacecraft with multiple wires |
WireH |
Magnitude of the angular momentum |
WireInit |
Initialize the wire model data structures |
WirePlot |
Plot the wires. One wire is plotted on each page. |
AtmDensMars2 |
Computes the atmospheric density of Mars. |
BDipole |
Computes the geocentric magnetic field based on a tilted dipole model. |
Magnetic field based on the Mead-Fairfield Model. |
EarthAlb |
Computes the heat absorbed per unit area due to albedo. |
EarthEnvironment |
Compute the environment parameters for the Earth. |
EarthRad |
Computes the heat absorbed due to earth radiation. |
Geo |
Computes parameters for a geosynchronous orbit. |
GeoEclps |
Computes the normalized sun intensity for an earth geosynchronous orbit. |
MagField |
Computes the Earth magnetic field using the DGRF/IGRF model. |
MagFieldData |
Data for planet magnetic fields. |
MagFieldPlanet |
Computes the magnetic field using Schmidt normalized coefficients. |
MagneticDipole |
Computes the magnetic field of a dipole along the z axis. |
MagneticDipoleCart |
Computes the magnetic field of a dipole along m. |
MolWt2R |
Computes R given the molecular weight. |
PlanetEnvironment |
Compute the environment parameters for a selected planet. |
PlanetaryAtmDens |
Computes the atmospheric density for Earth, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Pluto. |
PlanetaryRadiationAndAlbedo |
Computes the albedo and radiation flux for planets. |
ReadMagField |
Read in the magnetic field from a file. |
SolarFluxPrediction |
Computes the solar flux prediction based on Julian date. |
SolarFlx |
Solar flux from the sun as a function of distance in AU. |
TerrestrialSolarFlux |
Solar flux and direction from the sun with seasonal variation. |
TitanAtmosphere |
Titan density model. |
Water |
Properties of water. |
CEcl2Eq |
Transformation matrix from ecliptic to Earth equatorial planes. |
DeltaML |
Compute total change in longitude between two orbits. |
Computes the transformation form ECI to ECIR. |
ECIToPlanet |
Computes the matrix from mean of Aries 2000 to planet fixed frame. |
EOfE |
Computes the equation of the equinoxes |
EarthEclipseDuration |
Compute the eclipse duration in earth orbit. |
EarthNut |
The matrix that rotates from the Earth mean axes to the true axes. |
EarthPre |
Computes the earth precession matrix |
EarthRot |
Computes the Earth greenwich matrix that transforms from ECI to EF. |
EarthRotationZero |
Determine jD for when the earth-fixed frame is aligned with the ECI frame. |
EarthRte |
Computes the mean earth rate. |
Eclipse |
Computes eclipses. |
EclipseDuration |
Computes eclipse orbit fraction. |
EclipseHelio |
Determines eclipses in heliocentric coordinates. |
EquatorialToGalactic |
Returns the equatorial to Galactic transformation matrix. |
FSolstice |
RHS for computing solstice. |
GASTime |
Compute Greenwich apparent sidereal time. |
GMSTime |
Compute Greenwich mean sidereal time from Julian date. |
GTrack |
Calculate a ground track on an ellipsoid. |
Converts hours, minutes and seconds into seconds |
InterpolateState |
Interpolate a planet's state for a given Julian Date. |
LagrangePointsL1ToL5 |
Computes the position of Lagrange points in normalized rotating |
LoadFK5 |
Reads in the FK5 catalog in MICA format. |
LoadLunarTopography |
Reads in the Clementine data. |
LunarAngle |
Computes the angle needed to see over lunar terrain. |
LunarProfile |
Draw a lunar profile given lambda and theta. |
MSidDay |
Computes a mean sidereal day |
MSolDay |
Computes a mean solar day. |
MarsRot |
Computes the matrix that transforms from ECI to areographic axes. |
MoonEl |
Computes the moon orbital elements with respect to the earth inertial frame. |
MoonRot |
Computes the matrix that transforms from ECI to selenographic axes. |
MoonV1 |
Generate the moon vector in an earth or spacecraft centered frame. |
MoonV2 |
Generate the moon vector in an earth or spacecraft centered frame. |
Moons |
Lists moons of a planet or planet center about which a moon orbits. |
NutDelta |
The changes in longitude and obliquity due to earth nutation. |
ObOfE |
Computes the mean obliquity of the ecliptic of date. |
Parallax |
Calculate the parallax |
PlanetPosJPL |
Get positions for an array of planets using the JPL ephemeris. |
PlanetPosition |
The position vectors, gravitational parameters and velocity for the planets. |
PlanetPositionEMBarycenter |
The position vectors, gravitational parameters and velocity for the planets. |
PlanetRotation |
Computes the mean planet rotation rates from their rotation periods. |
PlanetYear |
Length of year of planets in terms of Earth years. |
PlanetaryDistanceToSun |
Finds the distance to the sun and the solar flux. |
Planets |
Simplified planet ephemerides from the almanac. |
QSpin |
Creates a series of quaternions with its x axis spinning about u. |
QSunNadir |
Compute the sun-nadir quaternion and other quantities. |
QSunPointing |
Creates a sun reference frame with +x pointing at the sun. |
RSHMoon |
Generates a topographic map of the moon using spherical harmonics. |
Converts seconds into hours, minutes and seconds |
SolarSys |
Computes the position vectors of the planets as a function of time. |
SolarSysJPL |
Computes the position vectors of the planets as a function of time. |
SolarSystemElements |
Computes the solar system elements on a given Julian Date. |
SolarSystemProperties |
Look up a moon or planet and return its properties. |
SolarVisibility |
Compute the solar intensity experienced by a spacecraft. |
SortFK5 |
Sort FK5 by distance in light years and save in a new file |
StarMap |
Draws a star map. |
SunNadir |
Compute the sun-nadir angles and yaw rate. |
SunV1 |
Generate the sun vector in the earth-centered inertial frame. |
SunV2 |
Moderate precision sun model. |
SunVectorECI |
Finds the sun vector any place in the solar system. |
TerminatorLine |
Compute the terminator line on the Earth that defines day/night. |
TransformLagrangePoints |
Computes the position and velocity of stable Lagrange points. |
TruEarth |
Computes the matrix from mean of Aries 2000 to earth fixed frame. |
Apparent sun vector from quantities tabulated in the astronomical almanac. |
AutoCADColors.txt - Generate colors for AUTOCAD. |
BRIGHT.CAT - Bright star catalog. |
CLIPPER.dxf - Pan am space clipper. |
Commands.txt - Commands |
ComstarSA.txt - Comstar solar array |
FK5.100 - FK5 catalog. |
HUBBLE.dxf - Hubble space telescope. |
PolylineTest.dxf - Polyline file. |
TFIGHTER.dxf - Tie like fighter. |
USS_LA.dxf - US submarine. |
cassini.dxf - Cassini CAD Model |
gltm2b.topo - Topographic data |
probe.dxf - Huygens CAD model. |
sCTConstants.mat - Constant database. |
sts.txt - Shuttle NORAD 2 line elements. |
visual.txt - Visible satellite NORAD 2 line elements |
zvezda1.dxf - Zvezda module. |
ScDB |
GUI to output the value of a constant for a spacecraft. |
Ariel.mat - Texture map. |
AttitudeProfileExampleData.mat - Example data for attitude profile |
Callisto.mat - Texture map. |
CassiniColor.mat - Cassini model colored. |
Charon.mat - Texture map. |
ComStarI.mat - ComStar inertia data. |
DefaultSpacecraftDataFile.mat - Saved spacecraft component data. |
Deimos.mat - Texture map. |
Dione.mat - Texture map. |
DistModl.mat - Disturbance model data. |
EarthHR.mat - High resolution Earth texture map. |
ElementSet.mat - Orbital element set |
Enceladus.mat - Texture map. |
Europa.mat - Texture map. |
FlexM00.mat - Flex model, array at 0 deg. |
FlexM90.mat - Flex model, array at 90 deg. |
GEMT1.mat - GEM-T1 gravity model. |
Ganymede.mat - Texture map. |
Huygens.mat - Spacecraft CAD model. |
IGRF11.mat - IGRF magnetic field data, 2010. |
IGRF95.mat - IGRF magnetic field data, 1995. |
Iapetus.mat - Texture map. |
Jupiter.mat - Texture map. |
Mars.mat - Texture map. |
Mercury.mat - Texture map. |
Mimas.mat - Texture map. |
Miranda.mat - Texture map. |
Moon.mat - Texture map. |
Neptune.mat - Texture map. |
Oberon.mat - Texture map. |
Phobos.mat - Texture map. |
Pluto.mat - Texture map. |
Proteus.mat - Texture map. |
RYC.mat - Roll/yaw control data. |
Rhea.mat - Texture map. |
Saturn.mat - Creates the rings of Saturn. |
SolarFluxPredictions.mat - Solar flux data. |
Sun.mat - Texture map. |
Tethys.mat - Texture map. |
TitanDensityData.mat - Data for Titan atmosphere density. |
Titania.mat - Texture map. |
Triton.mat - Texture map. |
Umbriel.mat - Texture map. |
Uranus.mat - Texture map. |
Venus.mat - Texture map. |
planet.mat - Planet file |
AI2Rate |
Converts attitude increments to rate. |
CW2Roll |
Converts the output from a conical scanning sensor to roll. |
Counter |
Simulate a counter. |
Simulates an ideal earth sensor measuring roll and pitch. |
Models a conical scanning earth sensor. |
ESAChord |
Compute the delta earth chord for a scanning earth sensor. |
EnergyPerRing |
Energy per ring for a diffraction limited circular aperture |
FP2RADec |
Converts focal plane coordinates into right ascension/declination of the targets. |
FPSensors |
Computes the output of focal plane sensors. |
Gyro right-hand-side. |
Gyro |
Models a gyro. |
GyroData |
Typical gyro noise data. |
Model a hemispherical resonating gyro. Includes all noise sources |
HSAData |
Computes the hsa sensor data for a spinning spacecraft. This computes |
HSAPlot |
Plots the HSA sensor data. |
LightDetectorIntegrals |
Normalized stellar-light detector integral given a star type and detector |
MeasAccel |
Models accelerometers. This model includes quantization, noise and a bias. |
MeasEarthSensor |
Returns roll and pitch for a generic earth sensor. |
MeasMagnetometerEarth |
Returns magnetic field measurement in Earth orbit. |
MeasRateGyro |
Returns body rate information. |
MeasRateIntegratingGyro |
Model of a rate integrating gyro measurement. |
MeasRelativePosition |
Returns relative position information. |
MeasStarTracker |
Returns the output of a star tracker. |
MeasState |
Returns elements of a state vector as a measurement. |
MeasSunSensorAnalog |
Returns analog sun sensor measurements. |
MeasSunSensorDigital |
Returns digital sun sensor measurements. |
Nadir |
Computes nadir angle from a cant angle, earth angle and chordwidth |
Optic2D |
Models a generic 2 dimensional optical sensor. |
PointSpreadFunction |
Point spread function for a circular aperture |
QProp |
Propagates a quaternion based on updated angular increment measurements. |
RADec2FP |
Converts right ascension and declination into focal plane coordinates. |
RIGModel |
Computes the output of a rate integrating gyro package. |
RIGOut |
RIG output. |
RWACountToRate |
Converts RWA tachometer count to rate. |
RateGyro |
Model a rate gyro. Includes all noise sources |
SCClock |
Models a spacecraft clock. |
Single degree of freedom mechanical gyros. |
Simulates a single axis suns sensor |
SSEye |
Power series model for the output of an analog sun sensor. |
U2FP |
Computes the location in the focal plane of unit vectors. |
U2Pix |
Converts a unit vector into a pixel location. |