Path: SC/Sensor

% Converts right ascension and declination into focal plane coordinates.
   The outputs will only be for valid inputs, i.e. inputs in the visible
   hemisphere. In the focal plane the vectors
   x = [0;1;0] and y = [sin(decC);0;-cos(decC)] define the sysstem
   of coordinates that is used to measure the plate and which is 
   oriented North-SOutha and East-West.

   Since version 2.
   [x, y, k] = RADec2FP( rAC, decC, rA, dec, f )

   rAC       (1,1)   Right ascension of the camera axis (rad)
   decC      (1,1)   Declination of the camera axis (rad)
   rA         (n)    Right ascension (rad)
   dec        (n)    Declination (rad)
   f         (1,1)   Focal length

   x         (n)     X coordinate
   y         (n)     Y Coordinate
   k         (:)     Valid inputs

	References:	Montenbruck, O. and T. Fleger, "Astronomy on the Personal
               Computer", Spring-Verlag, 1994, p 255.


Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/XLabelS
Common: Graphics/YLabelS
Common: Transform/RaDec2U
Math: Linear/Dot

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