
Path: SC/Sensor

% Model of a rate integrating gyro measurement.
   This can model a wide variety of rate integrating gyros.

   This must be called by the integrator as

   xDot = MeasRateIntegratingGyro( x, t, d )

   and to get the measurements

   y    = MeasRateIntegratingGyro( x, d )

   When called as a right hand side it only updates those states that are
   gyro states.

   You enter a scale factor in the data structure. 
   The noise parameters should be set to zero if used as part of a
   Kalman filter.

   If no inputs are given it will return the default data structure.

   Since version 11.
   xDot = MeasRateIntegratingGyro( x, t, d )
   y    = MeasRateIntegratingGyro( x, d )
   d    = MeasRateIntegratingGyro

   x         (n,1)  State vector
   t         (1,1)  Time
   d         (1,1)  Data structure
                    .kRate         (1,m) Rate states
                    .kAngle        (1,m) Angle states
                    .kBias         (1,m) Bias states
                    .scale         (m,1) Scale factor
                    .noiseAngle	  (m,1) 1 sigma angle noise
                    .noiseRate     (m,1) 1 sigma rate noise
                    .noiseBias     (m,1) 1 sigma bias noise

   y         (m,1)   Measurements
   xDot      (m,1)   Derivatives


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