Path: SC/Dynamics

% Two body spacecraft model right-hand-side. 
   This calls the two body dynamics model, TBModel. It is usually called by a 
   numerical integration routine.
   See also TBModel. 

   Since version 1.
   xDot = FTB( x, t, r0, r1, lam1, iner0, iner1, m0, m1, torque, force, iAxis )

   x            (14,1)    The state vector [q0;q0to1;w0;w1]
   t            (1,1)     The time vector
   r0           (3,1)     The vector from the origin to the body 0 cm in the body 0 frame
   r1           (3,1)     The vector from the origin to the hinge in the body 0 frame
   lam1         (3,1)     The vector from the hinge to the body 1 cm in the body 1 frame
   iner0        (3,3)     The body 0 inertia in the body 0 frame
   iner1        (3,3)     The body 1 inertia in the body 1 frame
   m0                     The body 0 mass
   m1                     The body 1 mass
   torque       (6,1)     [totalExternalTorque(3); hingeTorque(3)]
   force        (6,1)     [body0ExternalForce(3); body1ExternalForce(3)] at their cms
   iAxis        (1,:)     The axes of the second body that are not constrained.

   xDot         (14,1)    The derivative of the state vector



AerospaceUtils: Coord/QIToBDot
SC: Dynamics/TBModel

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