Path: SC/Sensor

% Single degree of freedom mechanical gyros.
   To make a rate gyro             set kF = h    and k.*kF./cD >> 1
   To make a rate integrating gyro set k  = cD/h and k.*kF./cD << 1

   Since version 1.
   [dxdt,y]     = SDG( u, h, cD, k, kF, w, x, bias, nU, nV, nE )
   [a, b, c, d] = SDG( u, h, cD, k, kF )

   u            (3,n)     Gyro unit vectors
   h            (1,n)     Angular momentum
   cD           (1,n)     Damping
   k            (1,n)     Forward gain
   kF           (1,n)     Torque rebalance gain
   w            (3,1)     Input rate vector
   x            (3n,1)    State vector [Random Walk
                                        Integral of inputs
                                        Integral of outputs]
   bias         (1,n)     Biases
   nU           (1,n)     Bias drift noise
   nV           (1,n)     Rate noise
   nE           (1,n)     Output noise

   dxdt         (3n,1)    State derivatives
   y            ( n,1)    Gyro output


   a            (3n,3n)   State matrix
   b            (3n,3n)   Input matrix
   c            ( n,3n)   Measurement matrix
   d            ( n,3n)   Feedthrough matrix


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