
Path: SC/Sensor

% Computes the output of a rate integrating gyro package.
   dang/dt = w + b + nRW*randn 
     db/dt = -beta*b +  nb*randn

   Includes a random walk and bias drift model.
   The drift noise can be correlation

   This routine does not check inputs.
   The state vector is [angle; bias]

   Since version 1.
   dxdt = RIGModel( u, w, b, nRW, nB, beta )

   u            (3,n)     Unit vectors for the gyro axes in body axes
   w            (3,1)     Body rates
   b            (n)       Bias rate
   nRW          (n)       Bias 1 sigma noise (random walk)
   nB           (n)       Bias 1 sigma drift noise
   beta         (n)       Bias correlation time constant

   dxdt         (2n)      [AngularRate dBias/dt]


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